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Shift__Emilie zimmerman


I didn’t hurt him too bad, but I think I broke his leg, I slinked over to Lamina and looked her in the eye “it’s okay, I’m going to get you out of here” I told her, using my shift language

Tears ran down her cheeks as she stared at me in the eyes

She looked behind me and pointed, I wondered why she hadn’t used her voice, I looked behind me just in time to see a tiger lunging at me, I roared at him and we rolled on the ground, mauling each other, my paw scratched across his bloody and already torn face, I pinned him to the ground and scratched open his stomach

I watched in amazement and shock as he healed completely, in under ten seconds

He took advantage of my shock to whip his paw at me, scratching my face

I roared in anger and lunged at him, we went rolling on the ground again, a fierce lion against a fierce tiger

Suddenly, another tiger jumped in, roaring as well, I guessed it was Lamina, she helped me maul who I guessed was Garrison

“You won’t win! No matter how many you have to help you! I am invincible, because I have three inner animals, all of them together heal more quickly then you ever wished you could!” he growled at me

I roared in his face as an answer

“You are the greatest peace of scum I have ever had the displeasure of seeing!” I roared

Lamina roared along with me and we kept on mauling him, but it was no use, he was too fast a healer

Soon others of his clan joined in, and we were no match, I had to pull Lamina off of him with my whole body, “it’s no use Lamina, he and his clan are too strong, and we have no one else to help us down here, everyone is too weak” I told her

She was panting hard as she listened

“he has been torturing us from day one, I just want to kill him!” she growled

I held her back and looked her straight in the eye “wait, I have a plan, Drake is coming, because he is following my scent, they will be here soon” I told her as quietly as I could
I watched as the scratches on her face healed, and the wound on her arm healed

Garrison laughed humorlessly as he watched us, “you two are no match for my clan, they have been made strong from the weak” he said, pointing to the young boys and girls sitting against the wall, all watching with weak and tired expressions

They were chained up, and some seemed close to death, I roared at him but didn’t dare attack

I listened as footsteps –more than one set- came quiet as a mouse to the opening of the cave

“You are not as strong as you make yourself out to be Garrison, if you were so strong, you wouldn’t need this army, and you wouldn’t be hiding out here” I spat

Lamina growled in agreement “all you have done is bring people back for your army, not once have you shown any leadership to these people! All you do is sit and watch while they torture others! You are a sick and cowardly animal” Lamina spat

Garrison’s blood boiled and he stood from his once relaxed sitting positions “I bet you couldn’t even fight without your minions helping you” I challenged

“Is that so? Well why don’t we test that theory? Me against you, Lamina won’t help, and my apprentices won’t help” he growled

I got up and got ready to pounce “with pleasure” I said.
